1935-1936 Academic Catalog
56 COURSES OF STUDY PHYSICAL EDUCATION PROFESSOR AULT, MISS ANDERSON MR. PAUL RIFE 1-2. PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR MEN Required of all men students unless excused by President and Dean of College. Mr. Rife 3-4. PHYSICAL EDUCATION Required of all women students unless excused by the Presi– dent and the Dean. Miss Anderson. 5. COACHING FOR MEN A thorough study of rules, theory and practice of football, basketball, and baseball. Up-to-date texts and laiboratory methods will be used. Two hours credit, one semester. Pro– fessor Ault. 7. COACHING FOR WOMEN A thorough treatment of rules, theory and practice of bas– ketbal1, indoor baseball and hockey for women. Two hours credit. Professor Ault. - 9. PLAYGROUND SUPERVISION Study of principles and practice of playground activities for schools. Two hours. One semester. Professor Ault. COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS MRS. VANDERPOOL SHORTHAND 1-2. BEGINNING SHORTHAND Theory, reading and dictatiQln practice. Text: Gregg Short– hand Manual. Elective. Three periods of recitations, three hours credit. Two semesters. 3-4. ADVANCED SHORTHAND Dictation, speed, business practice. Text: Gregg Speed Studies. Elective. Three periods of recitation, three hours credit. Two semesters. TYPEWRITING 1. BEGINNING TYPING Fundamentals of typing and business correspondence. Text: Sorelle-The New Rational Typwriting, 1927 Edition. Elec– tive. Five periods of recitation, two hours credit. First semester. 2. ADVANCED TYPING Continuation of Typing 1 with special attention to speed and business practice. Elective. Five periods of recitation, two hours credit. Second semester.
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