1935-1936 Academic Catalog

64 HOW TO HELP CEDARVILLE COLLEGE HOW TO HELP CEDARVILLE COLLEGE From time to time our fri n.ds are asking and seeking ways in which they may render t he g reatest service to Cedarville College. They realize the good work which Cedarville College is accompli:;:hing and they desire not only to continue but to enlarge the sphere of Cedarville College. Allow us to propose the following ways to help Cedarville College: First: BUY ANNUITIES Cedarvil1e College offers a Life Amrnity Income Bond Plan. This gives an income for life, provides sure and safe invest– ments, and makes the donor a sharer in the work of Christian education throughout his life and always thereafter and free from all worry about his holdings. You can get an annuity bond by the investment of a sum of tnoney with the Board of Trustees of Cedarville College and in return Cedarville College guarantees to pay you an income for life. The interest rates run from 41h % at forty years of age up to 9% at eighty-five years of age. This life annuity bond is a legal contract signed by the officers of the Board of Trustees . of Cedarville College. The interest on this bond is paid twice yearly during the life of the donor. If you are inte1·ested, send for full particulars. Second: BEQUESTS-For Personal Property: Cedatville College has been largely aided by its friends leaving personal property or real estate or both in their wills to the college. Any one who desires to make a will in favor of the college should write that part of his will as follows: "I do give, devfae and bequeath to the Board of Trustees of Cedarvilll:! College the sum of ________________________dollars, (or___ ________ shares of stock in the________________________ , or bonds, as the case may be, setting forth particularly what it is that is bequeathed)." For Real Estate: "I do giv-e, devise and bequeath to the Board of Trustees of Cedarville College and its suicessors, forever, all that lot or piece of land (describing the property with care)." Special care should be taken that bequests be made according to the laws of the state governing them.