1935-1936 Academic Catalog
92 LIST OF ALUMNI 'rarr, Dorothy; Graduate in Piano, 1921; 2243 Neil Avenue, Columbus, Ohio. Teacher. Taylor, Rodney; A.B., 1932; Attending Pittsburgh-Xenia Theological Seminary, Pittsburgh, Penna. Taylor, Lorena B.; A.M., 1917j B.S. in H. E., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1915; Doctor of Osteopathy, Kirks– ville, Mo., Hl22; Sangla Hill, Punjab, India. Punjalb Ameri– can :Mission, i\iis~ionary. Taylo:t, Mary L. (MTs. C. C. Butler ) ; A.M., 1918; B.S., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1916; Kamsas Life High School Certifie.ate, 191G; Ohio J,ife High School Certificate, 1921; Highland Institute, WHiiba, Ky.; 36:35 E. 140 Street, Cleve– landf Ohio. Taylor, Robert Walker; A.B., 1925; 348 Maumee Avenuey Toledo, Ohio. Tedrick, Edward; Two-Year Diploma, 1933; Plain City, Ohio. Tihomas, Charles; 'l'wo-Year Diploma, 1934; Xenia, Ohio. Teacher in Xenia Township. 'l'homas, Mrs. Lucinda (see Lucinda Caskey). Thompson, Helen J. (Mrs. Ira Townsley); A.B., 1926; Cum Laude; Route 1, Alpha, Ohio. Thorn, Nelson H.; A.B., 1928; Th. B., Laine Theological Sem– inary, 1928; 175 West Main Street, Clarksiburg, West Virg;inia. Pastor Presbyterian Church. Tiffany, Mrs. Esther; Two-Year Diploma, 1933; Route 4, Spring– field, Ohio. Tobias, Irene; A.B., 1931; 2815 Lake Avenue, Astabula, Ohio. Teacher. Townsley, Alfred; A.B., 1931; Belle Center, Ohio. Townsley, Charles A.; A.B., 1926; 116-C Street, N. E. Wash– ington. D. C. Townsley, Mrs. Ira (see Helen J. Thompson). Townsley, Mary Hester (Mrs. H. Hamman) ; Graduate in Piano, 1920; Cedarville, Ohio. Townsley, Mrs. Mildred (see 1\Hldred Crouse). Trice, Mrs. Elizabeth (see Elizabeth Gifford). Trumbo, Mildred; A.B., 1932; Graduate in Piano, 1917; Two– Year Dip1oma, Wittenberg College, 1926; Cedarville, Ohio. Teacher in Public Schools. Trumbo, Rebecca; Two-Year Diploma, 1930; Osborn, Ohio. Teacher in Medway Elementary School. Trumbull, Freda F . ; 1919; Cum Laude; Belle Center, Ohio. Teacher in High School. Tmnbull, Wanda; One Year Certificate, 1933; Cedarville, Ohio. Teacher. TurnJbull, Allen B.; A.B., - 1919; Cum Laude; B.S. in Ed., 0. S. U., 19.25; 1873 E. 70th Street, C1eveland, Ohio. Teacher in Chemistry.
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