1936-1937 Academic Catalog

LIST OF ALUMNI Wilson, John J.; A.B., 1903; D.D., 1918; McCormick Seminary, 1906; 215 W. Fremont St., Fostoria, Ohio. Pastor First Presbyterian Church. Wilson, Robert B.; A.B., 1901; D.D., 1918; McCormick Semin– ary, J.904. Died .June 26, 1918. Wilson, Nedra E.; Two-Year Diploma, 1927; B.S. in Ed., 1929; 104 North Broadway, Columbus, Ohio. Teacher. Winter, lsabeUe M.; A.B., 1899; A.M., 1907; Ohio Life High School Certificate, 1915; Died January 25, 1924. Wolfe, Mrs. Herbert (see Christina Smith). Wolff, Dorothy Louise (Mrs. William B0ltz); A.B., 1930; 443 Magee A venue, Elizabetli, New Jersey. Wones, Edward S.; A.B., 1928; Tremont City, Ohio. Pastor of Methodist Church. Wright, Ernest Albert; A.B., 1923; Box 43, GibsoDJburg, Ohfo. Principal in High School. Wright, Harry D.; A.13., 1921; Cedarville, Ohio. Manager of Grocery Store. Wright, Laura B. (Mrs. F. D. Francis); A.B., 1913; 529 E. College St.~ Iowa City, fowa. Girl Scout Executive. Wright, Marjorie, (Mrs. A. F. Peter.son); A.B., 1923; Frank– fort, Ohio. ~NriR"ht , Nao in i frE'ne (J'•Irn. ,hnies L. Ohesnnt); A.B.; Cum Laude and B.S., in Ed., 1918; 101 North Twelfth Averuue, Richmond, Indiana. '\Vright, Ruth E. (Mrs. Winburne Stewart); Two-Year Di,ploma, 1926; Camden, Ohio, Route 2. Wright, Stephen Calvin; A.B., 1903; Cedarville, Ohio. Probate and Juvenile Judge of Greene County. Yaple, Lillian; Two-Year Diploma, 1929; 40 E. 4th Street, Chillicothe, Ohio. Elementary Teacher in Chillicothe, Ohio. Young, Clarence A.; A.B., 1900; D.D., 1917; A.M., University of Pennsylvania, 1908; Ph. D., ibid., 1912; Graduate New York School of Philanthropy, 1902; R. P. Seminary, 1905. Died October 14, 1923. Young, Frank H.; A.B., 1904; A.B., Ohio State University, 1907; Graduate Capitol College of Oratory and Music, 1907; Ohio Life High School Certificate. Died March 20, 1921. Young, James Otis; A.B., 1932; B.D., Garrett Theological Sem– inary of Northwestern University, 1932; Napoleon, Ohio.