1936-1937 Academic Catalog

COURSES OF STUDY 43 DESCRIPTION OF COURSES OF STUDY BIBLE PROFESSORS McCHESNEY, JURKAT, AND STEELE 1. OLD TESTAMENT Patriarchal and Hebrew History, poetry, and prophecy. Required. Three hours a week, one semester. Professor Steele. 2. NEW TESTAMENT The life of Christ, the Acts of the Apostles, the life of Paul, the Epistles and Revelation. Required. Three hours a week, one semester. Professor Steele. 3-4. BIBLICAL ARCHAEOLOGY The testimony of the monuments to the truth of the Scrip– tures. Various texts are used from year to year. Eledive. One hour a week throughout the year. Given every third yea1·. Profess•)r J arkat. 5-6. BIBLICAL CUSTOMS The light shed upon the Bible by Eastern manners and cus– toms. Elective. One hour a week throughout the year. Given every third year. 7-8. OLD TESTAMENT LITERATURE A study of the writings of the Old Testament. Elective. Three hours a week, throughout the year. Not given every year. Professor Jurkat. 9-10. NEW TESTAMENT LITERATURE A study of the writings of the New Testament. Elective. Three hours a week, throughout the year. Not given every year. Professor Jurkat. 11-12. S. S. LESSONS AND METHODS S. S . T ,essons and Methods. One hour a week, throughout the year. Professor McChesney. BIOLOGY PROFESSORS KUEHRMANN, HOSTETLER, AND AULT 5-6. GENERAL ZOOLOGY A general survey of animal life from the standpoint of morphology, physio]o,gy, and developm~nt. Elective. Four hours a week throughout the year. Given every year. Professor Kuehrmann. 9-10. GENERAL BOTANY Study of morphology, Physiology, taxonomy and economics