1936-1937 Academic Catalog
LIST OF STUDENTS 61 Batdorf, Frances ----- ________________________________Ohio Brill, Edna ------------ ----------- ________________Kentucky Bryant, Martha _- -- - __- __ -- -·- -- --- - ··- - --- - -- - -- - -- - _- _Ohio Glouser, Carolyn -------------------------- ____________Ohio Creswell, Rachel ------- ---- --------------- ____________Ohio Cummings, He1·bert _- ·----·----------------------------Ohio Dunevant, Janice __ _----------·- --------- ---------------Ohio Fudge, Charlotte ------------- -- --------- ····-------- ____Ohio Gillespie, John ··-- ----- --- - ----------------------------Ohio Hageman, Helen ------------------- ·--·- ·----------- _____Ohio Hoke, Samuel -·· ----- ---- -·--··------------- ·-------------Ohio Johnston, Mary -------------------------------------- · Ohio Jones, Christina -------------· --------------------------Ohio King, Joseph ------------------------------------------Ohio ·Kline, Dorothy -- ---- - -------------- - --·-- ----- ··---------Ohio Long, Joseph -------- -------------------------------- __Qhio May, Ethel _____________ -----··-- -----------------------Ohio MacKnight. Jeanne ---- -- -- ------------- - ______________Ohio McDorman, Emily ------------- -----------·--· _________Ohio . McKenzie, Helen ----------- ---------------------------Ohio McKibben, Mildred ------------- -------------- - --------Ohio Michael, .Max _----------------------------------------Ohio ...Miller, Harriette ______ ------ ____ _____________________Ohio Miller, Kathleen ------------- --------------------------Ohio Mossman, Nellie --------------------------------------Ohio Nel~on, Hazel __ _ ------ ---- ·-------------------------- -Ohio linger, Gladys _ ------------ ··-------------------------Ohio Porter, Maj.el _ ------- - --------------------------------Ohio Post, Elsie ------· --------------·-----------------------Ohio Reed, Eugene - ·------·----------- -------------- ---------Ohio Reeves, Robert -- ----------- ---------------------------Ohio Sanderson, Kenneth -- --- --- --- --- ---------- ___________ Ohio Shaw, B.etty -- - ··- -------------··--- ____ ----- ___________Ohio Shaw, Harold - ··- ----- ___ __----- ___ ----- ______ __ _______Ohio Shupp, Phillipp ---------- ·-- ------- ___________________ _Ohio Sinks, Harry --- - ------------ ..·------- __________________Ohio Smith, G1a.dys ____________ :______ -··-------- ~-----------Ohio Swaim, Howard ___ ----------------------- ------------_Ohio -Wallace, Byron -------- -------- ___________________ ____Ohio Women- 2S Men-16 FRESHMEN Allison, Earl --------- _______________________________Ohio ·Beals, Raymond _______ ________________________________Ohio Berk, Frederick --------------------------------------_Ohio Cooley, Eleanor ----------------------- ________________Ohio
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