1936-1937 Academic Catalog

LIST OF ALUMNI 85 Kennedy, Evelyn; Two-Year Diploma, 1929; 516 Hopley Ave., Bucyrus, Ohio. Elementary Schools. Kennedy, Louis Day; A.B., 1928; Mt. Perry, Ohio. Pastor U. P. Church. Kenney, Willis C.; A.B., 193'0; 501 10th St., WellsV'ille, Ohi@. Kennon, Lawi·ence; A. R, 1918; B.S. in Ed., 1925; 15800 Munn Road, Cleveland, Ohio. Teach~r in Lakewood High School. Kilpatrick, Waliier Smith; A.R. 1934; Magna Cum Laude; Delaware, Ohio. Student Western Theological Seminary; Pitt$burgh, Pa. Kirby, St?eUa A.; Two-Year Diploma, 1930; Route 6, Springfield. Ohio. Teach&-. Kirk, Mrs. G. M. (see Ethel Githens). Knott, Bertha L.; Ph.B., 1900; Springfield, Ohio, Route 5. Teacher. Knott, Martha (Mrs. Dr. Leo Anderson); M:usic, 1909; Cedar- ville, Ohio. Knott, Mary Beatrice; Ph.B., 1900; Springfield, Ohio, Route 5.. Knott, Peter; A.B., 19'06; Route 2, Stockdale, Texas. Parmer. Kreitzer, Mrs. J. A. (see Mary Jan€ Ramsey). Krug, Mrs. Claude <see Dor othy Lackey) . Kyle, Clara Christine (Mrs. Gavin Reilly); A.B., 1924; 125 School Street, Bradford, Obio. Kyle, Harriet May; A.B., 1927; Eaton, Ohio. Teacher. Kyle, James Co1ver; B.S., 1923; B.S. in Agri., 0. S. U., 1924; 331 W. Main Street, Eaton, Ohio. Kyle, Robert Henry; A.B., 1926; Route 1, Higginsport, Ohio. Kyle, Willard; A. B., 1922; Graduate work 0. S. U.; West Union, Ohio. Teacher. Kyle, Mr'3. H. C. (see Alice Daines). Lackey, Alice K.; A.B., 1923; Magna Cum Laude; Route 1, Xenia, Ohio. Stenographer Hooven and Allison Co., Xenia. Lackey, Dorothy (Mrs. Claude Krug); Two-Year Diploma, 1927; Englewood, Ohio. Lackey, Margaret J.; A.B., 1907; Jamestown, Ohio, Route 4, Public Librarian. Lanning, Mrs. Wm. W. (see Hazel V. Lowry). Lanning, Mrs. R. A. (see Wilhelmina E. Mitray). _ Laybournc, ,J,ane; Two-Year Diploma, 1935; R.R. No. 5, Spring~ field, Ohio Teacher at Lisbon. . Leach, Lorna; Two-Year Diploma, 1929; Route 1, Jamestown, Ohio. Elementary teacher in Silvercreek Twp. Lee, Styner Loadman; Graduate of the R. P. Theological Sem– inary, 1921; Mound Bayou, Miss. Leitschuh, Esther; Two-Year Diploma, Summer 1932; 624 Linden Avenue, Springfield, Ohio. Teacher. LeMar, Herman J.; A.B., 1928; Kingston ,Ohio. Teach.er in High School. Assistant Coach.