1936-1937 Academic Catalog

8G LIS'r OF' ALUMNI LeMar, Mrs. Herman (see Grace Baughn). LeMar. Lelia (Mrs. Howard Arthur); A.B., 1928; Cedarville, Ohio. Lemon, James; A.B., 1929; Teacher in Randolph High School, Englewood, Ohio. Union, Ohio. Lemon, Mrs. James A. (see Mrs. Cammie Gormley). Lewis, Nellie B. (Mrs. Dr. Nelson H. Clark); Ph.B., 1900; Ph. M., 1903; Schenley Avenue, Pittsburgh, Penn. Ligget, Clarence Dean; Ph.B., 1905; 906 Hoffman Avenue, Long Beach, California. Furniture Business. Liggett, Raymond H.;, Ph. B., 1905; 906 HQffman Avenue, Long Beach, Calif. Contractor. Lirni11g, Sherman; A.B.. 1918. Supt. Schools, Yellow Springs. Ohio. . Linton, Walter A.; A.TI. , 1935; Magna Cum Laude; R.R. No. 2, Jamestown, Ohio. Teacher in Jefferson High School. Little, Kenneth; A.B., 1928; Cedarville, Ohio. Mayor of Ce– darvi11e, Ohio. Little, Mary (Mrs. B. F. Murphy); A.B., 1899; 212 E. 17th Street, Connersville, Indiana. Lloyd, Clarence J.; A.B., 1915; Savannah, Ohio. Lownes, Mary E. (Mrs. Howard Creswell); A.B., 1913; Cedar– ville, Ohio. Lowry, Hazel V. (Mrs. W. W. Lanning); A.B., 1914; A.M., 1916; Ohio Life High School Certificate, 1918; ~11 25th Street, N.W., Canton, Ohio. Lucas, Mrs. Benton G. (see Janis Atchison). Lunsford, Dorot hy (J.vlrs. Robert Bratton); Two-Year Diploma, 1G34; 2470 Hudson Avenu<', Norwo0d, Ohio. Lyle, Grace Adelle (Mrs. J. E. Brarlfute); A.B., 1924; 2605 Beinningihofen Avenue, Hamilton, Ohio. Lyle, Mrs. Creighton; (see Al'berta Creswell). MacDonald, Gladys Hill, A.B., 1928; Lexington, Ohio. Teacher in High School. MacKnight, Erroll Wilson; Two-Year Diploma, 1934; Madeira, Ohio. Teacher. Main, Herbert L.; A.B., 1930; Graduated 1933, We.stern Theo– logical Seminary. Pastor Presbyterian Church, New Galilee, Penn. Main, Mrs. Herbert (see Lucile Johnson). Manor, Loia (Mrs. Herman C. Marmon); A.B., 1927; Belle– fontaine, Ohio. Mantle, Wesley Newton; A. B., 1930; Cum Laude; Mt. Sterling, Ohio. Pastor of Methodist Episcopal Church. Mantle, Mrs. W. N. (see Anna Middleton). Markle, George LaClede; A.B., 1925; Graduate R. P. Seminary and Princeton Theolo,gical Seminary; Submarine Base, New London, Conn.