1937-1938 Academic Catalog
16 GENERAL INF RMATION Games.-Th t ams of edarville ollege play tennis, bask t-ball, and bas ball with teams of other colleges. Trips are tak n throughout the season. Two physical directors, one fo°r men and the other for women, have charge of all activities. Physical Education.-Besides the field work mentioned in the above item on athletics, classes in coaching, hiking, gym– nastics, and calisthenics are offered each semester. At least two years of physical education are required of candidates for de– grees. All Freshmen and Sophomores are required to take physical education. EXPENSES TO A STUDENT Expenses at Cedarville are probably as low as can be found anywhere in the United States and are much lower than in many other places. Expenses for clothing, laundry and sundries vary greatly with the individual, who can, therefore, better estimate them for himself. College fee s, boarding, room rent and cost of text-books vary with the locality. Consequently, the following estimates are based upon these items. In the years in which science courses are taken, from twelve to twenty dollars must be added for laboratory fees, and a deposit of five dollars for breakage in courses in chemistry. EXPENSES FOR A YEAR Tuition .. --- --------- ___ ------------------------ _----$150.00 Books (estimated) -----------------------------:.____ 15.00 Furnished Room, lighted and heated ------------------ 72.00 Boarding (estimated) ------------------------------- 144.00 Tuition in excess of 18 hours, a semester, per hour __ 6.00 Tuition for 10 hours or less, each semester, per hour ___ 6.00 (Student Activity Fee to be added to above according to class.) Freshmen --------------------------------------$ 5.00 Sophomores ------------------------------------ 6.0.0 Juniors----------------------------------------- 7.00 Seniors ---------------------------------------- 8.00 In case a student takes a course in Science the following fee is charged for laboratory' materials: Beginning Sciences ------------------------------$ 12.00 Advanced Sciences ------~------------------------ 20.00 Breakage Deposit - ------------------------------ 5.00
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