1937-1938 Academic Catalog
18 ,ENER L NFOitM TION the semester, and for any smaller number a proportionate de– duction shall be made. The several amounts of credits deducted shall be added together and if the total amount comes to one or more whole credits, they shall be deducted from the number of credits obtained in one of the studies pursued during that semes– ter. 'I'he registrar shall determine as to the study from which the cr edit shall be deducted but the student affected may request that the credit be deducted from some other study taken in the same semester. If the amount deducted does not come to a whole credit, the fraction shall be carried over until it amounts to a whole credit. A1l other fractions of deducted credits shall in like manner be carried over from semester to semester till they come to a whole credit. 6. Three tardy marks shall be counted as one absence. 7. At each faculty meeting each instructor shall report the number of times he was tardy or absent, or dism1ss~d classes before the time for dismissal. 8. Students entering the col1ege late in the semester may earn a total of not more t han one credit for each week of their attendance. In such case the student shall pay a tuition fee of $6.00 a week. 9. Absen ces from Chapel shall count the same as absences from classe&. Professors appointed by the President of the Col– lege will keep a record of chapel absences. Discontinuance of Studies.-1. No student shall be allowed to discontinue any study for which he has registered without permission of the President. In case a student dis– continues a study without such permission he shall be given a grade of F in that study. 2. Permission to discontinue a study shall not be given merely because the student fears that he will fail or not makie a good record in that study. 3. No permission to discontinue a study shall be given dur– ing the last four weeks of a semester unless for very serious reason. 4. Any professor or instructor may dismiss a student from class for unsatisfactory work or misdemeanor. 5. All students who are dismissed or discontinued from classes must be reported immediately by the professor in charge in writing to the Registrar. 6. All changes in classes in any way whatever must be reported to the Registrar immediately. If the student is not properly registered in the · college office in each study he is carrying, he will receive no credit in such study or studies.
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