1937-1938 Academic Catalog
24 OLLEGI TE DEP RTMENT s ,mes t r was nol A will be allowed to ta!'<'e work for credit amounting to more than sixteen hours per week per semester. TIME REQUIRED Ordinarily the completion of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science takes four years. PRE-PROFESSIONAL CURRICULA By care in choosing electives the Arts and Arts-Science curricula can easily be adapted to the needs for all pre-pro– fe ssional preparation. Students shoul d confer with the professors of the departments wherein their interests lie. Adjustments can be made for the following fields. 1. Business 6. Law 2. Dentistry 7. Library 3. Engineering 8. Medicine 4. Home Economics 9. Pharmacy 5. Journalism 10. Politics & Social Science THE ARTS CURRICULUM Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts Upon the completion of the following requirements, which comprise the arts curriculum, the degree of Bachelor of Arts is conferred: 1. Bible (six semester-hours selected from this department); 2. Rhetoric (six-semester-hours); 3. English (six semester-hours); 4. Foreign Language, (from twelve to sixteen semester– hours, including two years' work in one language or one year's work in each of two languages, selected from the following: French, German, Latin, Greek, Hebrew); 5. Science (eight semester-hours, in any one of the following sciences: Zoology, Botany, Chemistry, or Physics, each science being pursued throughout an entire collegiate year); 6. History (three semest~r-hours. a required course in American history) ; 7. Oratory (four semester-hours); 8. Argumentation and Debating (four semester-hours); 9. General Psychology (three semester-hours); 10. Logic (three semester-hours); 11. Social Science (three semester-hours, selected from the departments of economics, sociology, and political science); 12. Ethics (three semester-hours);
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