1937-1938 Academic Catalog

DEPARTAENT OF LI TSIC 35 PUBLIC SCHOOL .. fETHODS III. First seme ter. Interrned ate grades. udy of he prin– cip e~, objecti ·es, method and ma erial adap ed to the teaching of mu ic in the Junior High chool. Apprecia ion of mu ic i empha ized. Material: .i.:Iusic of Many Lands and Peoples-LicConathy, Beattie, .. forgan. Two hour , on credit. HI TORY OF ~fUSIC I. Primit°Ye mu~ic. Early hri ian hurch mu ic. Ri e of the opera and oratorio~ The Polyphomc age. Periods of Bach, Handel, Ha_rdn, and Mozart. Two hours, wo credits. HI TORY OF ~f SIC II. econd _eme ter. Beetho ' n. Romantici m. German lied. r agner and new operatic endencie . Modern music in all land . Two hour , wo credits. APPRECIATION OF MUSIC I. Fir~t em ster. This cour e aims to develop abilit to li.:ten intelligent!: by making a tudy from a historical point of ·ie, of the fundamental of musical theory, the principle of mu ical form, ·ariou media of musical ex– pre~ ·ion, i. . he on~he tra, Yoice, piano, etc. as well a the outs anding compo er and their compo ition . Two hour , o credit . APPRECIATIO OF M SIC II. t:cond hour, eme ter. Continuation of Appreciation I. wo credi . L TRU~fE TATIO . Two F"r t emest r. Study of the in 'truments of the orchestra, pecial tt ntion to their range, qualitie and peculiar- 1tle~. The arranging of mu ic for the string choir. Two our~, two credit • d ouut rpoir t, in t 11.• od Y , h t\.\ I th, 1ctc. T" o hou1s, two