1937-1938 Academic Catalog

THEOLOGICAL SE.UNARY 41 depar ment of Economics, Sociology, and Poli ·cal Science)· 12. Ethic three sem.e ter hours) ; 13. Apologetics ( hree seme er hours}; 14. A ronomy (three semes er hours); 15. A major (a study selected by the tudent and con isting of three ·ears of collegiate work in any one department of _tudy. ork required in any department may be counted as art of the major tudy in that department, except that work ·n he fir .·ear of Latin or Greek cannot be counted. 1 . A minor study con isting of two year of collegiate work be elected by the tudent from a department closely lated to he major study with the advice and consent of the profe sor at the head of the department in which the major tud i aken). ork required in any department may be ted as a par of the minor in that department; 17. Phy ical Education: In addition to those specified above, :four our of ph:r ical education are required, but they do not towards a degree.