1937-1938 Academic Catalog
COURSES OF STUDY of plants. Elective. Four hour a week throughou the year. Gi ·en every year Profes~or Hostetler. H. PlTBLIC HEALTH M D HYGIENE A ~ tud. of anitation-Di eases, general H,ygiene, pr ven– h·e measures. Lecture, wice a week. Two hours credit. Fir t eme tt!r. Professor Aul . 2. A •ATOMY A D PHYSIOLOGY Detailed tudy of ontogeny, ph: logen_ and characteristics of ertebrate . Lee ures, two time a week; laboratory, three hours once a week Three hour credit. Second selll€ster. CHEMI TRY PROFESSOR KUEHRMA -2. GE ERAL CHEMISTRY A tudy of the variou element and their compound as to t eir occurence, preparation, propertie , a:nd use. Elective. Four hours a week throughou the year. 5- . Q ANTITATI TE A ALYSIS The principle of granmetric and volume ric analy is, wit practical applica ion to typical minerals and metals, includ ing the solution of practical laboratory problems. Elective. Thr e laboratory periods and one recitation period. Four hour credit. Given throughout he year. Prerequisite 9-10, Open to Junior onl . . ORGA. I CHE ... HSTRY tud_· of carbon and its compounds, inc1uding both aliphatic and romatic series. General qualitative anal) is of organic compound i taken up in the econd eme ter. Fiv hours w k throu hout the year. Gi en every second y ar. Open S nio and p cial students. -10. ALITATI TE A ALYSIS An ly i. of m t&l. , acids and ba. s; known and unknown . '1 •o 1 bor tor. period and one recitation p riod throughou t e · ar. Thr e hour er di . Pr r qui it to 5-6. I G HR !A In truction k through- Two hour )
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