1937-1938 Academic Catalog

COURSES OF STUDY CLA .{A.. ~AGE.IB~ T A d~cus ion of the manag ment factor which mu~ be met b}• the teacher in e cla room.. Tv; hour credi Gh·en ho h semesters. 0. ED CATI0j_ 1 AL P YCHOLOGY A tuoy of the ps_-chological principle applicable to the teaching proces ; uch a mental development, individual difference~, laws of learning, native and acquired charact– eri ·tics, habit formations, e c. Three hour credit, econd mes r. 4. PRL "'CIPLE OF EDUCATIO - A ~ dy of the aim and objectiYes of educa ion, the psychological and biological ha e for con emporars practice both as o ubjed matter and methodology. Three our credit, second eme ter. 17. HI TORY OF EDUCATIO A stud. of the eYolution of American educational ideal and practice with pecial r ference o the origin and develop– ment of th ~e feature of our pre ent-day practices which ar mo t characteris ically Am rican. Three hours credit, first ..emester. 3. TUDE. '"T TEACH! G R quired for tate Elementary Certificate. Four hour credit are gi ·en for teaching one hour a da for twelve we i::;. Four hour credit, econd semester. ertificate. Four hour c1 •dit a1 e gi ~n for teaching one hour a day for twel •e . Four how·s er dit, e ond emester. ither el mentary or high chool ub· th profe ·ors of th depart m nt Two hours c edit, first s m t r. RE.IE . TS and th l:hing Ii 11d n-iting: in th l m nt q tllll'llt of th u i in, bility r n hou1 citdit, 111 t ~tm1c~t 1.