1937-1938 Academic Catalog

COURSES OF STUDY 55 5-6. EXTE-IPORANEOUS SPEAKING In~truction, con tan prac 1c , and criticLm in ac ual public speaking. Elective. One hour a week, one semester. J. ~ot gi en every year. Profe sor Steele. 7- . AD A- ~CED ORATORY ElectiYe. One hour a week, one seme ter. Professor _foChe ney. 10. PARLIAME1. TARY LAW In truction in fundamental principle and actual practice in conducting public mee ing . Elective. One hour a week, one ~eme ter. ot given every year. Profes or Steele. 11-12. HOAILETICS Elementary Homiletics. A tudy of the theory and prin– ciple of the preparation and deliYery of ermon . Two our a week throughout the year. Required for candi– date of the Go pel Mini try. Pr fessor :McChe ney. 13-14. HO-HLETICS Ad ·anced Homele ic . Practice in the preparation and de– li ·ery of ermon . One hour a week throughout the year. Required for candidate of the Gospel Mini try. Profe sor AcChe ney. P YCHOLOGY PROFESSOR McCHESNEY 1. GE ~ERAL PSY HOLOGY on..,ciou_ne~ , :-en~ation, perception, memory, fe lings, imagination, thought, rea oning and the will. Requir d. ould be taken before Junior year. Three hour a week, on 2. de , lopment of the adole c nt mind t xt and lectur . Two hour •e k, 4. EELE th olog_ . t •