1937-1938 Academic Catalog

COURSES OF STUDY 57 3. SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY Collective knowing, feeling, and willing; the p ychology of the crowd. Electi'Ve. Three hour a we€k, one ~emester. ot given e ·ery year. 4. AMERICA ~ PROBLE.18 ocial in titutions. A study of the problem of democrac.. Elec i e. Three hour a week, one emec;:ter. Prerequi ite, Economic 1, or Sociology 1. ot gi en every year. 5. ...OCIAL ADJU T" iE T .faladju tment , wh:, and the remedy. Attitude of variou group . Ca e work. Three hour a week. One eme ter. • ot given e ·ery year. Profes or Steele. 6. EDUCATIONAL SOCIOLOGY Sociological principle in rela ion to educational problem . El cti •e. Three hours a week, one seme ter. CO.L1ERCIAL LAW Dealing with the principle of law a applied o the bu iness world. Three hour , one seme ter. THE CHURCH AND SOCIETY El ctive. Thi course deal with the relation of church to ~ocial recon truction. The value of humanity xceeds that of profit. Three hours, one seme ter. !ot given every year. 9. E GE. I S An lecti •e cour in Applied Eugenic for advanced tu– d nt . A stud of the practical mean by which ociety may ncourag th reproduction of uperior per on and di courage that of inferior type . Three hour a w k. 10. RA E RELATIO S 3 5. Electi • . A tudy of race relation hip with p ial at– t 1 ion o th problem in th Unit d tate . Op n to ad anc d tud nt onl . Three hours a w k. PHY I AL EDU ATI i- Pr ·i-