1937-1938 Academic Catalog

6 ' ALUMNI OFFICERS- 7. OA HING FOR WOMEN A thorough treatment of rules, theory and practice of oax– ketbaJll, indoor basebalI and hockey for wom-en. Two hour!'! credit. Professor Ault. PLAYGROUND SUPERVISION! Study of principles and practice of pigyground activities for schools. Two hours. One semester. Professor Ault.. COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS' MISS BASORE' SHORTHAND 1-2. BEGINffiNG SHORTHAND Tli.eory, reading and cffctation practice. Text: Greg-g Short– hand Manual. Elective. Three veriocfs of recitations, three hours credit. Two semesters. 3'-4. ADVANC:BD SHORTHAND Dictation, speed, business practice. T"ext: Gregg Speed' Studies. Elective. ThreEl periods of recitation, tnr~ hours credit~ Two· semesters-. TYPEWRITING 1. BEGINNlNG TYPING Fundamentals of typing and busineS's correS'p'ondence. Elec– tive. Five periods of recitmfou, i:wo hours credit. First semester. 2. ADVANCED TYPING Continuation of 'lyping 1 with gpecfal attention to speed and business practice. Elective. Five period~ o:f recitation, two hours credit. Second semester. ALUMNI OFFICERS President, Miss Carrie M. Rife -------------~------C~darville Vice Presid,mt, Miss Doris Rartmmt ______________Cedarville Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Sarah Margaret Chance Taylor ---- --------------- ------------------------Houston, K.y. Corresponding Secretary, Miss Wilma.II Spencer ____Cedarville Banquet Cotnmittee----- Miss Ruth West, Chairman ____________________Oberlin Mrs. Jean Morton Sweet _____._________________Rossford Mr. Harry Wright ---------------------------Cedarville Miss Martha Waddle · ________________________Cedarville Mr. David Bradfute -------------------------Cedarville Mrs. Lenora Skinnen McMillan ______________Cedarville