1938-1939 Academic Catalog

"D"EP.ARTMENT OF MUSIC ftt> practical use in figured and free basses, and in soprano. Open position. Tw:o hour.s, two credits. HARMONY II. Second semester~ Irregufar treatment of the Seventh. D1minishea sevenths -and their inver·sions. Secondary ,sevenths and tbeir inversions. Consecutive chords of the seventh. Chroma.tic chang'es of single notes. !>tactical use of each new cord in bass and sopran:o. 'Tw-.e hours two credits. HARMONY IR. First semester. Chords o:f the ninth, eleventh, and thirteenth. Altered chords. Augmented chords. Modula– tion by means of Dominant and Diminished sevenths, Altered, tonic six-fourth .chords., etc. Suspensions, auxiliary notes, passing notes, anticipations, skip-notes, changing notes, appogiaturas and accented passing notes. Pedal point. Harmonization of chants, chorales and melodies of more elaborate construetion. Two hours, two ,credits. ANALYTICAL HARMONY. Analysis of the chords and of th'e non-hM"monic tone'S to be found in musie, classic and modern. Refurence: Harmonic Analysis by Cutter. Two hours, two credits. SOLFEGGIO L Sight-singing, Ear-training, Dietation. Correlation of the Harmony I work with sight-singing and melodic ear-train– ing. Dictation. Transposition. One hour, one eredit. SOLFEGGIO IL S'econd semester. Drill in scale and interval singing. Part singing. Rhythmic problems. Dictation to train the ear to recognize intervals, common triads, etc. One hour) one credit. PUBLIC SCHOOL METHODS I. First semester. Primary grades. Study of the principles, objectives, methods and materials adapted to the teaching of music in the kindergarten and pri1nary grades. Two hours, one credit. PUBLIC SCHOOL METHODS II. Second semester. Elementary grades. Study of the prin– ciples, objectives, methods and materials adapted to the teaching of music in the elementary grades. Minor scale, sight-singing, conducting, appreciation, ~tc. Reference: Second Concord Series. Two hours, one credit.