1938-1939 Academic Catalog
• 6 DEP RTMENT OF MUSIC PUBLIC SCH L METHODS Ill. First semester. lnterm diate grades. Study of the prin– ciples, objectives, 1ethods and materials adapted to the teaching of music in the Junior High school. Appreciation of music is emphasized. Material: Music of Many Land's and Peoples-Mcconathy, Beattie, Morgan. Two hours, one credit. HISTORY OF MUSIC L Primitive music. Early Christian Church music. Rise of the opera and oratorio. The Polyphonic age. Periods of Bach, Handel, Haydn, and Mozart. Two houl'S, two credits. HISTORY OF MUSIC IL Second semester. Beethoven. Romanticism. German lied. Wagner and new operatic tendenci s. Modern music in aU lands. Two hours, two credits. APPRECIATION OF MUSIC I. First semester. This course aims to develop ability to listen intelligently by making a study from a historical point of view of the fundamentals of musical theory, the principles of musical form, various media of musical ex– pression, i. e. the orchestra, voice, piano, etc. as well as the outstanding composers and their compositions. Two hours, two credits. APPRECIATION OF MUSIC II. Second semester. Continuation of Appreciation I. Two hours, two credits. INSTRUMENTATION. First semester. Study of the instruments of the orchestra, with special attention to their range, qualities and peculiar– ities. The arranging of music for the string choir. Two hours, two credits. ORCHESTRATION. Second semester. Arranging of music for the wood-wind choir, brass choir and entire symphony orchestra. Study of scores of the masters. Two hours, two credits. COUNTERBOINT I. First semester. The art of adding melody to melody, carried through the three and four-voiced work. Two hours, two credits. COUNTERPOINT II. Second semester. Double counterpoint, in the octave, the fifteenth, the tenth, the twelfth, etc. Two hours, two credits.
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