1938-1939 Academic Catalog

46 OURSES F STUDY EDUCATION ELEMENTARY EDU ATION PROFESSORS HOSTETLER, STEELE, FORCE, AND KLING 1. KINDERGARTEN-PRIMARY PROGRAM Kindergarten-primary technique in dealing with the child at play, eating, sleeping, in emotional stress and in social adjustment. Special kindergart en-primary programs st udied. Two hours, one semester. 2. READING METHODS The technique of teaching silent and audience reading. Vocabular ies studied, test and texts examined, charts and lesson plans made. Three hours, one semester. 3. ARITHMETIC METHODS A study of the methods of teaching arithmetic in the first six grades, the principles upoIJ. which they are based, and the influence of scientific studies upon the course of study and methods. Special emphasis on organization and presenta– tion of lessons. Two hours, second semester. 4. MUSIC LITERATURE AND APPRECIATION The aim of this course is to develop an understanding, and appreciation of music as an art; to acquaint the student with music literature, the great composers, and the human values of music Two hours credit, first semester. 5. INTRODUCTION TO MUSIC A study of notation, sight singing, and ear training. Correct use of the singing voice and a r epertory of material suit– able for school use is emphasized. Two hours credit, second semester. 6. PUBLIC SCHOOL ART Free hand drawing, sketching, lettering and principles of designing. Use of various mediums including pen, pencil, crayon, and brush. Emphasis on relation of art to specfic subjects taught in the elementary grades. Two hours credit. 7. SOCIAL SCIENCE METHODS Modern trends and objectives through studies of curricula, effective means of tea·ching history, geography, science, community life in elementary grades. Three hours, one semester.