1938-1939 Academic Catalog
4 URSES F STUDY 17. HI TORY OF EDU ATION A study of the evolution of American educational ideals and practices, with special reference to the origin and develop– ment of those features of our present-day practices which are most characteristically American. Designed for ele– mentary teachers. Three hours credit, fir t semester. 18. MUSIC EDUCATION Development of the skills and methods a teacher needs to work effectively under supervision. Practice in conduct– ing and planning materials for use are provided. Two hours credit, first semester. 19. PRACTICAL ART This course includes woodwork, metalwork, weaving, carv– ing, and work with plastics. Three hours credit. 20. PUBLIC SCHOOL HEALTH A professionalized subject matter course surveying health habits and conditions for efficiency of pupils. Emphasis is placed on organizing this material into units for teaching purposes. Three hours a week, one semester. 21. CHILD PSYCHOLOGY This course will present the elements of child nature, in– dividual differences, and the significance of early behavior patterns. Three hours, one semester. 23. STUDENT TEACHING Teaching and observation for a total of twelve weeks, in three differ ent situations . One hour daily with weekly conferences with supervisor and critic teacher. Three hours, first or second semester. 29. TESTS AND MEASUREMENTS A study of intelligence tests, standardized tests, and the new-type subject-matter test, with the meaning and ap– plication of statistical methods. Two hours credit, one semester. SO. HANDWRITING The methodology of teaching handwriting in the elementary grades and the improViement of the writing ability are taught in this course. One hour credit, one semester. SECONDARY EDUCATION PROFESSORS HOSTETLER AND STEELE 8. CLASS MANAGEMENT A discussion of the management factors which must be met by the teacher in the classroom. Two hours credit, one semester.
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