1938-1939 Academic Catalog
r: CO R ES OF 'T nv N ED 01\IP SITION . coui· e in which th advanc d typ and practices of rheto1 ic r studied. Elective. Two hours, one semester. 7- . E GLISH ND AMERICAN URVEY study of th development of these literatures, by period :ind by type, directed toward developing in the student both knowledge and judgment of literature. 9. DEVELOPMENT OF THE DRAMA A hi tory of the drama beginning with the Greek Drama and following its progress through the centuries. Rep- 1iesentative plays from each important stage of development are read. For advanced students. Elective. 'I'hree hour~ one semester. Not given every year. 10. SHAKESPEARE A careful study and analysis is made of some of Shake– peare's tragedies and comedies. Others are read rapidly, written critiques required. Elect ive. Three hours a week, one semester. Not given every year. 11. MODERN DRAMA A study of the great contemporary dramas of England, Ireland, Germany, France, Belgium, Norway, Russia, and America. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. Not given every year. 12. AMERICAN POETRY A survey of the most characteristic works of Bryant, Poe, Emerson, Longfellow, Whittier, Holmes, Lowell, Whitman, Lanier and Riley. Elective. Three hours a week, one semes– ter. Not given every year. 13. ENGLISH POETRY A study of verse structure and an analysis of selected poems; also a critical study of the early nineteenth century poets-Wordsworth, Scott, Byron, Shelly, Keats. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. Not given every year. 14. BROWNING AND TENNYSON A critical study of a few selections from each poet and the rapid reading of others. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. Not given every year. 15-16. JOURNALISM A practical study of journalism, including the make-up of newspapers and writing of news articles. Elective. Two hours, two semesters. Not given every year. 17. THE SHORT STORY The history and technique of the short story, critical ana-
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