1938-1939 Academic Catalog

COURSES OF STUDY 51 lysis of a representative collection of short stories, extensive readings in period since 1890. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. Not given every year. 18. ENGLISH NOVEL Representative novels from the beginning of the written novel to the present day are read and discussed. Three hours a week, one semester. Not giv€n every year. 19. MYTHOLOGY A comprehensive course in gene~l mythology. Three houl's a week, one semester. Not given every year. FRENCH MRS. AUL'l' 1-2. BEGINNING FRENCH Grammar, composition, and -drill in syntax, with ·co11oquial practice and easy readings. Dictation and dr amatization, Elective. Four hours a week tbroughout the year. 3-4. INTERMEDIATE FRENCH Thorough grammar review. Compositlon, co:nve1·sation, and dictation. Study of texts from some of the best French novelists, short story writers, and dramatists. Prerequisite French 1-2 or two years of High School French. Elective. Four hours a week throughout the year. 5-6. ADVANCED FRENCH This course is intended to develop free oral and written expression in French, and to develop reading ability. Survey of French literature with a study of plays, novels) and short stories. Grammar review. This course is given in French. Elective. Three hours a week throughout the yea:r. 7-8. ADVANCED FRENCH This course is for advanced students who have taken the course 5-6. The course will be arranged each year in ac• cordance with the needs of the students. 9-10. FRENCH A course for advanced students who have taken course 7-8. The course is arranged to meet the n~eds of students who wish a major in French. GEOLOGY PROFESSORS JURKAT AND HOSTETLER 1-2. GEOGRAPHY Principles of Geography. A study of the underlying prin– ciples of social geography. One semester) three hours. Pro· fessor Hostetler.