1938-1939 Academic Catalog

OlJRSES OF SmJDY ~- ANABASIS Translation, syntax, composition, with historical re:ferences. Elective. Four hours a we k, fir.-st semester. 4. HOMER Books I to VI -of the Iliad, scanning, mythology, syntax, Elective. Four hours a week, second semester. 5-6. GREEK NEW TESTAMENT New Testament Greek, emphasizing pet!uliarities of form, and exegesis, with rapid reading of various portions. Elec– tive. Three hours a week, throughout the year. ~ofesso;r McChesney. 7. HERODOTUS Selections are read, Biography, history, peculiarities, and syntax. Elective. Three hours a week, one s-emester. No't given every year. 8. MEMORABILIA The course is introductory to the study of Plato. Gram~ matical drill and history will be the leading features. Elec– tive. Three hours a week, one semester. Not given every year. 9. PLATO The Apology and Crito constitute the study of Socrates. Greek philosophy is reviewed. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. Not given every year. 11-12 DEMOSTHENES The Oration on the Crown is studied. Oratory, rhetoric, and argumentation are leading themes. Elective. Three hours a week throughout the year. Not given every y,ear. 13-14. GREEK EXEGESIS Analytical interpretation from a Greek view-point. Three hours a week, throughout the year. Professor McChesney. HEBREW PROFESSOR JURKAT 1-2. HEBREW A thorough drill is given in etymology, syntax, and par~ adigms. Elective. Four hours a week throughout the year. 3-4. ADVANCED HEBREW Three hours a week throughout the year. HISTORY PROFESSORS JURKAT AND STEELE 3. AMERICAN: NATIONAL PERIOD The aims of the course are to clarify previous knowledge,