1938-1939 Academic Catalog
4 OURSES F STUD 1 to can a ttention to economic movem nts, and to furnish ~ add d knowledge of civics. Thr ee hours credit. ProfessoI' Jurkat. -1. AMERICAN: NATIONAL PERIOD About half the emphasis is placed upon the- origins of our pofitica1 institutions, both local and national. Three- hours credit. Professor Jurkat. 5. EUROPEAN HISTORY To 17th Century. Origin and growth of nations with emphasfs on development of western European civilization. Required of students taking normal course.. Three hours, first semester. Professor Steele. 6. EUROPEAN HISTORY From beginning of 17th Centur y to present time. Continues course 5. The aim of the two courses is to lay a foundation for an understanding of the courses in Un ited States Histor~– to follow. Open to students who have had course 5 and to advanced students. Required of those pursuing normal cours.e Tnree hours, second semester. Professor Stele. 7. ENGLISH HISTORY Three hours a week. One semester. Not given every year. Professor Steele. 12. HISTORY OF LATIN AMERICA A survey of the poltical and socia:l history of the Latin American States followed by a more careful study of the economic possibilities, in order to arouse a greater inter– egt in our nearest neighbors. Not given every year. Three hours credit. Professor Steele. 13. UNITED STATES HISTORY TO 1829 Required of students taking the normal course. The fol– lowing data are considered: Introduction, in which Land and Resources and European background are stressed; Discovery and Exploration; Colonization and Growth; Origins of our Government; Revolutionary War; Critical Period; National Government Established. Three hours credit. Professor Steele. 14. UNITED STATES HISTORY 1829 TO THE PRESENT Required of students taking normal course. The main data considered are: National Growth and Development to 1860; Civil War; Progress and Development, 1860-1898; United States, A World Power; Domestic Affairs; World War; Current Problems. Three hours credit. Professor Steele.
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