1938-1939 Academic Catalog

·COURSES OF STUDY 18. P"ROBLEMS IN AMERICAN HISTORY A research course on individual topics, 'intend'ed fo;r ad– vanced stud<ents only. ·Thre-e hours 'Credit. Professor Jurkat. 19-20. CHURCH HISTORY A coUl"se in tire bistor.y, origin, dev-el0;pm~nt, and tenets ·ot denominations and sects of the Christian Chmch. Three hours 11. week througbout the year. Professor Jurkat. 22. HISTORY OF OHIO The history of the rise and progress of poli'tica1 and social instiutions in -Ohio. Two hours credit. Pro:f essor Jnrkat. Jurkat. :23. RECENT HISTORY An intensive study of the political, economic, and social movements fo the world since 1865.. Three .hours credit. Professor Jm-kat. LATIN PROFESSORS SANTMYER, JURKAT AND McCHESNEY 1-2. ELEMENTARY LATIN Grammar and exercises. Fom:- boul's a wl:lek, tinle )real'.. Professor McChesney. 3-4. ELEMENTARY LATIN AND CAESAR Continuation of grammar, and four books of Cae~rar. Four hours a week, one year. Professor Jul'kat. 5-6. CICERO'S ORATIONS Four hours a week, one year. Pro£esst>r Jurkat. 7-8. VERGIL Reading from the Aeneid. Four hours a week, one year. Not given every year. Dr. Jurkat. 9. CICERO De Amicitia and De Senectute, with ~ review t>f inflected forms and syntax. Elective. Three hours a week, on'e semester. Not given every year. Professor Santmyer. 11. LIVY The transition from the Golden to the Silver Age is studied. Selections from Book XXI are read. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. Not given every year. Professor Santmyer. 13. HORACE Copious selections from the Odes, SatirM, and Epistles are made the basis for a study of Latin poetry. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. Not given every year. Pro- fessor Santmyer.