1938-1939 Academic Catalog
COURSES OF STUDY 67 6. TRIGONOMETRY Trigonometric functions and logarithms in their relation to the solution of the triangle and similar pr oblems. Elective. Prerequisite, 1 unit high school algebra, 1 unit high school plane geometry. Three hours a week, one semester. 7. PLANE ANALYTICS Rectilinear coordinates with their application to the conic sections. Translation of the origin in the plane. Blective. Prerequisite Mathematics 5 and 6 except in the case of pre– engineering students who should take 5 and 7 simultane– ously in the freshman year. 8. PLANE AND SOLID ANALYTICS Rectilinear and polar coordinates with their application to conic sections. Rotation of the axes. The point, plane, line and surfaces of rotation, in space. Elective. Prerequisite Mathematics 5-6-7 except in the case of pre-engineering students who should take 6 and 8 simultaneously in the freshman year. 9. DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS The derivative and its applications to physical problems. Elective. Prerequisite Mathematics 8. Four hours a week one semester. 10. INTEGRAL CALOULUS The integral and its simpler applications. Elective. Prerequisite Mathematics 9. Four hours per week one semester. 11. COLLEGE GEOMETRY Advanced Euclidian Plane Geometry. Primary emphasis is placed upon the development of the ability to apply Euclidian methods to the solution of problems concerning plane figures. Elective. Prerequisite Mathematics 5-6. Three hours a week one semester. 12. THEORY OF EQUATIONS Imaginary numbers, methods of solving higher degree equa– tions, determinants, and other related topics. Elective. Prerequisite Mathematics 8. Three hours a week one semester. MUSIC PROFESSOR CRESWELL 5-6. ELECTIVE MUSIC Elective work in music to the amount of eight credits wili be counted towards the degree of Bachelor of Arts, in the case of students enrolled in the collegiate department or in
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