1938-1939 Academic Catalog
60 OUR ES OF STUDY PSY HOLO Y PROFESSOR McCHESNEY 1. GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY Consciousness, sensation, perception, memory, feelin gs , imagination, thought, reasoning and the will. Re quired . should be taken before Junior year. Three hour s a WP.ek, one semester. 2. ADOLESCENCE A scientific study of t he development of the ado lescent mind and life. Various texts and lectures. Elective. Two hours a week, one semester. 4. EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Elementary experiments in the various phases of conscious phenomena. Elective. Prerequisite, General Psychology. Three hours a week, one semester. RELIGION PROFESSORS McCHESNEY AND JURKAT 2. GENERAL COURSE IN MISSIONS The problems, possibilities, means and obligat ions of evan– gelizing the world, and the motives , aims, and methods of the foreign missionary. Elective. Two hours a week, one semester. Not given every year. Required of Seminary students. 5-6. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION A study of Pedagogy, History, Curricula, Principles, Organ– ization, and Administration of Religious Education. Three hours throughout the year. 7-8. BIBLICAL THEOLOGY A study of the facts of revelation in the Scriptures and the development of doctrines of the Bible. Two hours a week throughout the year. Required of candidates for the ·Gospel Ministry. Professor Jurkat. 9-10. SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY The study of the science of God and of the relations between God and the universe. Three hours a week for three years. Required of all candidates for the Gospel Ministry. Pro– fessor McChesney. 11-12. PASTORAL THEOLOGY A study of the character, and conduct of ministers of the Gospel and their relations to the church in particular and general. Two hours a week throughout the year. Required of candidates for the Ministry of the Gospel. Professor McChesney.
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