1938-1939 Academic Catalog

r ALUMNI OFFICERS COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS MISS BASORE SHORTHAND 63 1-2. BEGINNING SHORTHAND Theory, reading and dictation practice. Text: Gregg Short– hand Manual. Elective. Three periods of r ecit ations, three hours credit. Two semesters. 3-4. ADVANCED SHORTHAND Dictation, speed, business practice. 'I'ext: Gregg Speed Studies. Elective. Three periods of recitation, throo hours credit. Two semesters. TYPEWRITING 1. BEGINNING TYPING Fundamentals of typing and business correspondence. Elec– tive. Five periods of recitation, two hours credit. First semester. 2. ADVANCED TYPING Continuation of 'l.yping 1 with special attent ion to speed and business practice. Elective. Five periods of recitation, two hours credit. Second semester. ALUMNI OFFICERS President, Harry Pickering _____ ____ ______________Jamestown Vice President, James H. McMillan ------------------- -Osborn Recording Secretary and ·Treasurer, Mrs. Paul Edwards __ - - ----------------------------- ------ -------- Cedarville Corresponding Secretary, Miss Wilda Auld _________Cedarville EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE:- Mrs. Leo Anderson, Chairman __________________Cedarville Mrs. Alton Dunevant -----------------------------Xenia Mrs. Howard Arthur __________________________Cedarville Miss Ora Hanna - -----------------------------Cedarville Mr. Robert Richards ______ ____________________Cedarville Mr. Dallas Marshall ------------------------------Xenia