1940-1941 Academic Catalog

14 GENERAL INFORMATION Quartettes.-The college has male and female quartettee. These quartettes· are trained by the Director of the Department of Music. They visit high schools, churches and clubs in the interests of the college. Mixed Chorus.-A mixed chorus is a feature of the Department of Music. It offers advantages both cultural and profitable. Glee Club.-Cedarville College has a Glee Club. The Glee Club represents the college in trips to high schools and churches. It provides excellent training in the development of the voice. Socials.-It is the annual custom for each young people's society of the local churches to give a welcome social to the faculty and students of the college at the opening of the year. The various classes hold socials and have spreads. The faculty gives a social to the students. The president of the college gives an annual social to the faculty and students. A banquet is tendered the basketball teams at the end of the season. At the close of the year the juniors tender a banquet to the seniors and the faculty. Once a month, when some college organization desires to sponsor it, an informal dance is held in the college gymnasium. The sponsors arrange a program of folk dancing, round and square dancing. Home Coming.-Each year, early in February; the home team plays a basketball game with a visiting college team following a dinner in the Alford Memorial Gymnasium. At this affair gather faculty, friends, students, and alumni of the college. Alumni Meeting.-On the evening previous to Com– mencement Day, it is the custom for the alumni to hold their annual business meeting and dinner in the Alford Memorial Gymnasium. Cedar Day.-On the first Wednesday of June, during commencement week, is a gala time, or Cedar Day. The classes of the college give stunts, songs are sung, the May Pole is celebrated. An oration is delivered. Baseball is played with a team of some visiting college. Colors are unfurled. People gather from far and near. It is the popular day of the year. Commencement Day.-The crowning day of the year is Commencement Day. The hour is ten o'clock in the morn– ing. The place is the Cedarville Opera House. A large con– course always greets the graduates to give them well wishes for the future. Opening Day.-The opening day of the year is another attraction for the public as well as the students. The opening