1940-1941 Academic Catalog
16 GENERAL INFORMATION Physician and physical activity is limited according to the out– come of the examination. A fee of one dollar is levied which is to be paid half on Registration Day of the first semester and half on Registration Day of the second semester. PUBLICATIONS College Bulletin.-The College Bulletin is issued month– ly from the College Office. In addition to the purely college matter, it contains alumni and student news. The Cedrus.-An illustrated college annual, The Cedrus, published by the students, crystallizes the activities of the year into permanent literary and pictorial form. Whispering Cedars.-Whispering Cedars is the student paper edited and published by the students of the college, every week. CONTESTS AND PRIZES John Alford Prizes.-These prizes, established by the Rev. John Alford, D.D., a distinguished minister of the · Re– formed Presbyterian Church, and a trustee of Cedarville College, are now continued in his memory by his daughter, Miss Martha Alford, and awarded annually through the Cedarville College Crown Club for the attainment of high scholarship. Bible Reading Contests.-Miss Margaret Belle Rife, of the Class of 1916, annually offers prizes of five, four, three, two, and one dollar for a girls' Bible _reading contest _held in April of . each year. Rev. C. M. Ritchie, D.D., an honorary alumnus of the. class of 1916, a.nnually offers prizes of five, four,. three, two, and one doJ}ar foz: _a men's contest held in Novem~r of each year. RELIGIOUS OPPORTUNITIES Churches.-There are three churches in Cedarville: Methodist, United Presbyterian, and Presbyterian. Students remaining in town weekends are · expected to attend the church of their preference. The churches welcome college students in all of their Sunday and week day activities. Young Men's Christian Association.-The Young Men's Christian Association, of Cedarville College, was organ-
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