1940-1941 Academic Catalog
26 COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT METHOD OF REGISTRATION Any person of good moral character may register as a student of Cedarville College upon the following conditions: 1. Payment of registration, contingent, and laboratory fees and deposits, and bills for text-books, for which a receipt or certificate properly signed by the Treasurer will be sufficient. 2. Certificates and records of high school work, together with testimonials, must be deposited with the Registrar of the College on or before registration day. 3. At the beginning of each semester each student shall fill out a registration card, stating the studies he desires to pursue that semester. These studies must be approved by the Registrar. The student shall then pay his fees to the Treasurer and then present the receipted card to the Registrar and obtain cards of admission to the several courses selected. 4. Until a card of admission is presented to the instructor no student shall be considered a member of any class. 5. All recitations occurring before a student presents cards of admission shall be counted as absences. CURRICULA The following courses of study are offered: 1. Arts, giving the degree of Bachelor of Arts; 2. Science, giving the degree of Bachelor of Science; 3. Arts-Agriculture, giving the degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from Ohio State University and the degree of Bachelor of Science from Cedarville College. LIMIT OF WORK No student pursuing the arts course will be permitted to take work for credit amounting to more than eighteen hours per week per semester, and no student, the majority of whose grades, reckoned in terms of semester hours, for the preceding semester was not A will be allowed to take work for credit amounting to more than sixteen hours per week per semester. TIME REQUIRED Ordinarily the completion of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science takes four years. PRE-PROFESSIONAL CURRICULA By care in choosing electives the Arts and Arts-Science curricula can easily be adapted to the needs for all pre-pro– fessional preparation. Students should confer with the professors of the departments wherein their interests lie.
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