1940-1941 Academic Catalog

58 ALUMNI OFFICERS 8. THE CHURCH AND SOCIETY Elective. ,This course deals with the relation of church to social reconstruction. The value of humanity exceeds that of profit. Three hours, one semester. Not given every year. 9. EUGENICS An elective course in Applied Eugenics for advanced stu– dents. A study of the practical means by which society may encourage the reproduction of superior persons and discourage that of inferior types. Three hours a week. 10. RACE RELATlONS Elective. A study of race relationships with special at– tention to the problem in the United States. Open to advanced stud,mts only. Three hours a week. TYPEWRITING MISS BASORE 1. BEGINNING TYPING Fundamentals of typing and business correspondence. Elee– tive. Five periods of recitation, two ·hours credit. First semester. · 2. ADVANCED TYPING Continuation of Typing 1 with special attention to speed and business practice. Elective. Five periods of recitation, two hours credit. Second semester. OFFICERS OF THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION President, James C. McMillan -----------------------Osborn Vice President, Marion Rife ---------------Washington, C. H. R~ording ~ecretary, Ruth Kimble __ .,:. ______________Cedarville Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer, Glenna ·Basore_______ -------------------------~----------------Cedarville EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Gavin Reilly --------------------------------------Columbus l\Irs. William Anderson -------------------------------Xenia Mrs. Norman Sweet __________________.:;_____________Rossford Robert Jacobs ---------------------------------------Dayton Bertram Fleming -----------------------------------Osborn