1941-1942 Academic Catalog

GENERAL INFORMATION 17 Young Men's Christian Association.-The Young Men's Christian Association of Cedarville College was organ– ized March 12, 1907. It represents on the local campus the four-fold program of this international organization-physical, mental, social, and spiritual. Young Women's Christian Association. - The Young Women's Christian Association of Cedarville College was organized in 1909. It maintains all of the characteristic act– ivities which have made this organization such a power for good among the college girls of America. Day of Prayer.-The second Friday in February is observed as the Day of Prayer for colleges and public schools. Chapel.-Students and faculty participate in religious exercises in the College chapel three days each week. It is the effort of those in charge to keep these services closely re– lated to student life, and thus a real center for the college day. The chapel committee includes both faculty and student mem– bers. Gospel T eam.-The Gospel Team is made up of young men and young women who have the evangelistic spirit. They present programs of praise and worship in various churches. FUNDS lncome.-The annual income of Cedarville College comes from three sources; namely (1) the tuition fees from students, (2) interest from the productive endowment, (3) voluntary gifts from individuals, from congregations of the Reformed Presby– terian Church, General Synod, and the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A., and an annual contribution from the Board of Edu– cation of the Reformed Presbyterian Church. Endowment.-The total amount of the productive En– dowment of Cedarville College is $200,000. Friends are urgently asked to contribute gifts in money, checks, real estate, an– nuities, stocks, bonds, and bequests. Large and small sums will be thankfully received, carefully invested, and only their an– nual income wisely used.