1941-1942 Academic Catalog

44 DESCRIPTION OF COURSES 3-4. PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR WOMEN Required of' all women students unless excused by the Di– rector of the Department. 100 PERSONAL HYGIENE (Men and Women) Personal hygiene as a means for the improvement of living. The me.aning of health in terms of life values, the biologic approach to the study of health, ways for improvement of health and prevention of disease. Three credit hours, sec– ond semester. 125 PRINCIPLES OF COACHING AND MANAGEMENT (Men) To acquaint the student with the various methods used in coaching and administering a program dealing with soccer, speedball and tennis. One credit hour, first semester. 135 PRINCIPLES OF COACHING AND MANAGEMENT (Men) Basketball. One credit hour, second semester. 145 PRINCIPLES OF COACHING AND MANAGEMENT (Men) Football. One credit hour, first semester. 150 PHYSICAL EDUCATION THEORY AND PRACTICE (Men and Women) Deals with the administration and organization of games. Opportunity is given for practical experience in directing recreational activities. One credit hour, first semester. 155 PRINCIPLES OF COACHING AND MANAGEMENT (Men) Baseball and track and field. One credit hour, second semester. 160 PHYSICAL EDUCATION THEORY AND PRACTICE (Men and Women) Practical use of the heavy and light apparatus in exhibi– tions, demonstrations and other social programs. One credit hour, second semester. 165 PRINCIPLES OF COACHING AND MANAGEMENT (Women) Organization and administration of women's athletics. Three credit hours, second semester.