1942-1943 Academic Catalog
GENERAL INFORMATION 11 Dramatic Club.-Cedarville College has a Dramatic Club open to all men and women of the college, offering training in preparing and presenting plays. Social Organizations.-Local sororities and a fraternity, with faculty sponsors, contribute to the social interests of the student body. The local churches and other organizations encourage the participa– tion of the college community in their social activities as well as their religious purposes. Such traditional events as class parties, the Junior-Senior Banquet, and the usual college social calendar of parties, informal dances, and other activities provide a great variety of interests with which to supplement the college program. Publications.-A yearbook, the "Cedrus," cr~stallizes each year's activities into permanent literary and pictorial form. A weekly news– paper, "The Whispering Cedars," is edited and published by the students. The Cedarville College Bulletin, issued periodically from the College office, carries news of Cedarville's work to a large mailing list of alumni and friends throughout the country. Special Occasions Homecoming.-Cedarville College Homecoming is observed an– nually on a Saturday evening early in February. Events of Homecom– ing include a dinner served by the Ladies' Advisor y Board, a short program provided by students and alumni, and a basketball game with some traditional rival. An increasing number of students, faculty members, alumni, and friends of the college gather for this day each year. Alumni Meeting.-On the evening before Commencement Day, it is the custom for the alumni to hold their annual business meeting and dinner in the ~!ford Memorial Gymnasium. Cedar Day.-The popular Spring festival at Cedarville College is Cedar Day, observed annually on Wednesday of Commencement Week. Class stunts and songs, folk dances, and a May Pole dance constitute part of the program. The Cedar Day Queen and Orator , selected from the Senior Class, share the honors of the day . An afternoon baseball game is another feature. Commencement.-Commencement exercises are held early in June, at the Cedarville Opera House or one of the churches. This is, f course, made the crowning day of the school year, with the awarding of degrees and academic honors for the year. A prominent guest, often an alumnus of the college, is the Commencement speaker. It should be mentioned that war conditions may make necessary temporary changes in these and other traditional Cedarville College acti ities.
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