1942-1943 Academic Catalog

COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT 21 Pre-Professional Curricula By care in choosing electives the Arts and Arts-Science curricula can easily be adapted to the needs of all pre-professional prepara– tion. Students should confer with the professors of the departments wherein their interests lie. Adjustments can be made for the following and other fields: 1. Business 7. Library 2. Dentistry 8. Medicine 3. Engineering 9. Pharmacy 4. Home E conomics 10. Politics & Social Science 5. Journalism 11. Ministry 6. Law The Arts Curriculum Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts Upon the completion of the following requirements, which com- prise the arts curriculum, the degree of Bachelor of Arts is conferred: 1. Bible (six semester-hours selected from this department); 2. Rhetoric (six semester-hours); 3. English (six semester-hours, Survey of English and Ameri– can Literature); 4. Foreign Language, (from twelve to sixteen semester-hours, including two years' work in one language or one year's work in each of two languages, selected from the following: French, German, Latin, Greek, Hebrew); 5. Science (eight semester-hours, in any one of the following sciences: Zoology, Botany, Chemistry, or Physics, each science being pursued throughout" an entire collegiate year); 6. History (six semester-hours); 7. Speech (two semester-hours); 8. General Psychology (three semester-hours); 9. Social Science (three semester-hours, selected from the de- par tments of economics, sociology, and political science); 10. Ethics (three semester-hours); 11. Philosophy (three semester-hours) ; 12. A Major Study (a study selected by the student and con– s ist ing of three years of collegiate work in any one department of study ). Work r equired in any department may be counted as a part of the major study in that department except that work in the first year of a foreign language in college cannot be counted;