1943-1944 Academic Catalog

GENERAL INFORMATION 15 Funds Income.-The annual income of Cedarville College comes from four sources, namely (1) the tuition fees from students, (2) in– terest from the productive endowment, (3) annuities; (4) voluntary gifts from individuals, from congregations of the Reformed Presby– terian Church, General Synod, and the Presbyterian Church, U. S. A., and an annual contribution from the Board of Education of the Re– formed Presbyterian Church. Students' Expenses For a Year Tuition __________________________________________________ $160.00 Books (estimated) ---------------------------------------- 15.00 Furnished Room, lighted and heated ------------------------ 63.00 Boarding (estimated) ------------------------------------- 160.00 Tuition in excess of 18 hours a semester, per hour ----------- 6.00 Tuition for 12 hours or less, each semester, per hour --------- 6.00 Student Activity Fee to be added to above according to class Fresh1nen -------------------------------------------- 5.00 Sophomores---------- ------------ -------------------- 6.00 Juniors ---------------------------------------------- 7.00 Seniors ---------------------------------------------- 8.00 Beginning Sciences ________________________________________$12.00 Advanced Sciences----- ------------------------------------ 20.00 Breakage Deposit ------------------------------------------ 5.00 Library fee------- ---------------- ------------------------ 1.00 Physical Examination fee ---------------------------------- 1.00 Fees for Courses in Education: Practice Teaching, elementary or high school ------------$20.00 Art -------------------------------------------------- 2.00 Graduation fee in all courses-------------------------------- 5.00 Fee for Extension Courses --------------------$6.00 a credit hour Fees for Courses in Music given on request. In case of students compelled by sickness or other unavoidable circumstances to leave the college before the end of the semester, rebates will be granted as follows on the tuition fee only: before the end of two weeks, 80 per cent; before the end of four weeks, 60 per cent; before the end of six weeks, 40 per cent; after the sixth week no rebates will be made. No rebate will be made to students wh0 are "dropped from the rolls." A fee of one dollar per day up to five dollars may be assessed students who fail to register on the days appointed for registration. Cedarville College has a very definite program of student self– help. As a first step in this program the College has acquired a 205 acre farm on which students may work. Other industries will be ad– ded as rapidly as the needs arise.