1943-1944 Academic Catalog
COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT 23 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Requirements for Admission The requirements for admission to the Department of Education of Cedarville College are as follows: 1. Graduation from a first-grade high school, with 16 units of credit, or its equivalent. 2. Passing the Ohio State University Psychological Test with a score above the minimum set by the Department of Education of Ohio. 3. Payment of tuition and all fees regularly charged by Cedar– ville College. 4. The fee for practice teaching which is $20.00 must be paid in advance before places are provided for this work. An average of B in the teaching field is also a prerequisite for the practice teaching. CURRICULA 1. Elementary Education, leading to degree of Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education. 2. Secondary E'ducatio,n, leading to degree 'of Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education. The work for the first year in both curricula is the same. It is the purpose during the first year to introduce the student to the vari– ous teaching fields both as to opportunities and responsibilities. I. Elementary Education Because of the need for more elementary teachers, the Ohio De– partment of Education· will issue a temporary certificate (at the re– quest of a local or county superintendent) to a student who has com– pleted the equivalent of two years' training in the elementary cur– riculum at Cedarville Co,llege. The basic requirments can be met in two summers and one full college year; that is, by entering June 14, 1943, a student can qualify for a temporary certificate by September 1944. The College will grant a three-year diploma and the Ohio De– partment of Education will issue a provisional elementary certificate upon the completion of three years' training. The basic requirements can be met in three summers and two, full college years; that is, by entering June 14, 1943, a student can qualify for a provisional cer– tificate by September 1945. The completion of the four-year curriculum will secure the de– gree of Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education.
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