1943-1944 Academic Catalog
32 DESCRIPTION OF COURSES 22. Ari thmetic A content course designed to make t he student pro ficient in the fundamental pr ocesses and th eir applications as r elated to t he ele– mentary grades. Attention is given to the history of ar ithmet ic. Teaching methods are discussed a s pr oblems arise. Three hours credit , one semester. 23. Student Teaching Tea ching and observation for a total of fift een weeks , in two different sit uat ions, one hour daily. Weekly conferences with super– visor and crit ic teacher. Five hours credit. 24. Child Pyschology This course will present the elements of child nature, individual differences, and the significance of early behavior patterns. Three hours, one semester. 25. Kindergarten-Primary Program Kindergarten-primary technique in dealing with the child at play, eating, sleeping, in emotional stress and in social adjustment. Special kindergarten-primary programs studied. Two hours, one semester. 26. Graphic Expression Free hand drawing and sketching planned to develop individual technique. Two hours credit, one semester. 27. Design A course for beginners planned to develop creative power and understanding of design as a factor in art expression. Through the use of materials and media varied approaches to creative experience are employed, developing artistic judgment. Two hours credit, one semester. 28. Methods and Materials A course designed to give practice in use of materials employed in teaching elementary grade art. Helps and devices given for school– room practice. Two hours credit, one semester. 29. Tests and Measurements A study of intelligence tests, standardized tests, and the new-type subject-matter test, with the meaning and application of statistical methods. Two hours credit, one semester. 30. Handwriting The methodology of t eaching handwriting in the elementary grades and the improvement of the writing ability are taught in this course. One hour credit, one semester. Secondary Education: Professors Hostetler and Steele 8. Class Management A discussion of management factors which must be met by teach– er in the classroom. Two hours credit, one semester.
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