1943-1944 Academic Catalog
42 DE RIPTION OF OURSES 10. Integral Calculus The integral and its simpl r applications. Elective. P rer equisite Mathematics 9. Four hours per week, one semester. 11. College Geometry Advanced Euclidian Plane Geometry. Pr imary emphasis is placed upon t he development of the ability t o apply Euclidian methods to the solut ion of problems concerning plane figur es. Elective. Prerequisite Mathmat ics 5-6. Three hours a week, one semest er. 12. Theory of Equations Imaginary numbers, methods of solving higher degree equations, determinants, and ot her related topics. Elective. Prerequisite Mathe– matics 8. Three hours a week, one semester. Music: Professor Foster 5-6. Elective Music Elective work in music to the amount of eight credits will be counted towards the degree of Bachelor of Arts, in the case of stu– dents enrolled in the collegiate department or in case of graduates of the department of music who afterwards enroll in the collegiate de– partment. One lesson a week for one semester constitutes the work required for one credit. Students electing music must pay the usual fees for lessons in music in addition to the regular collegiate tuition fees. In addition to the courses listed in the catalogue under the Edu– cation Department, which are required of the elementary students, all college students are eligible to take the following courses. Choral Work. Choral Work provides excellent training in part sing– ing, in expression and in interpretation. Smaller musical groups, such as Quartettes, are available to those selected on the basis of the quali– ty of their voices and of their ability to read music at sight. Besides participating in various college programs, these musical organizations ar e fr equently r equested for public appearances. One..half hour credit per term in each organization Applied Music. Piano. Junior Department. Students who have had no previous musical training may take private lessons. School children are given careful training. Collegiate Department. Students who show a talent fo r music, and who show an ability equal to t hree y ears of preparation may enter this department for cr edit from the college. Thor ough training in scales, a course in Etudes from Czerny to Clem– ent i's Gradus and Parnassum, Bach's well-tempered Clavichord, Etudes and P r eludes of Chopin, sonatas of Beethoven, select ions from the Romantic and Modern composers, are m,ed dur ing the four years to
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