1943-1944 Academic Catalog
44 DESCRIPTION OF COURSES 3. Political History of the United States A study of the political par ties and party pr oblems in the United States. Three hours a week, OJ!e semester 4. International Relations Treaties, commerce, laws and leagues of nations, arbitration, courts. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. 5. __Government and Political Science A course on government in general, and our national and local governments in particular, with especial attention to the needs of teachers of high school civics. Three hours a week, one semester. Psychology: Professor McChesney l .General Psychology Consciousness, sensation, perception, memory, feelings, imagina– tion, thought, reasoning and the will. Required. Should be taken be– fore Junior year. Three hours a week, one semester. 2.__Adolescense A scientific study of the development of the adolescent mind and life. Various texts and lectures. Elective. Two hours a week, one semester. 4. Experimental Physchology Elementary experiments in the various phases of conscious phe– nomena. Elective. Prerequisit. General Psychology. Three hours a week, one semester.. Public Speaking: Professor McChesney 1. Elmentary Public Speaking A study of the fundamental principles of effective speaking with practice in the preparation and delivery of original speeches. Three hours a week, two hours credit, first semester. Required of all fresh– men 2 Public Speaking An introduction to the fundamental principles involved in the reading and interpretation of poetry and prose. Elective. Two hours a week, second semester. Prerequisite, Public Speaking I. 3-4 Discussion and Debating Group discussion of timely questions. Study of argumentation, analysis, evidence, and persuasion. Brief-drawing. Extemporaneous a r guments. Pratice debating. Inter-collegiate debating. Elective. Two hours a week throughout the year .
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