1947-1948 Academic Catalog

10 GENERAL INFORMATION tion of the college community in their social activities as well as their religious purposes. Such traditional events as class parties, the Junior-Senior Banq~et, and the usual college social calendar of parties, informal dances, and other activities provide a great variety of interests with which to supplement the college program. Publications.-A yearbook, the "Cedrus," crystallizes each year's activities into permanent literary and pictorial form. A weekly news– paper, "The Whispering Cedars," is edited and published by the students. The Cedarville College Bulletin, issued periodically from the College office, carries news of Cedarville's work to a large mail– ing list of alumni and friends throughout the country. Special Occasions Homecoming.-Cedarville College Homecoming is observed an– nually. Events of Homecoming include a dinner served by the La– dies' Advisory Board, a short program provided by students and alumni, and a football game with some traditional rival. An increas– ing number of students, faculty members, alumni, and friends of the college gather for this day each year. Alumni Meeting.-On the evening before Commencement Day, it is the custom for the alumni to hold their annual business meeting and dinner in the Alford Memorial Gym,.'lasium. Cedar Day.-The popular Spring festival at Cedarville College is Cedar Day, observed annually on Wednesday of Commencement Week. Class stunts and songs, folk dances, and a May Pole dance constitute part of the program. Th e Cedar Day Queen and Orator, selected from the Senior Class, share the honors of the day. An afternoon baseball game is another feature. Commencement.-Commencement exercises climax the year's work. This is, of course, made the crowning day of the school year, with the awarding of degrees and academic honors for the year. A prominent guest is the Commencement speaker. Health and Physical Education Athletic Faciliti es.-The College athletic equipment consists of a varsity baseball diamond; a practice baseball diamond; a soft-ball diamond; a soccer and a football field; two tennis courts; the Al– ford Memorial Gymnasium ,which houses the varsity basketball court, badminton courts, volleyball court, table-tennis outfits, dress– ing rooms and various small-game equipment. Required Physical Education.-The College has a Department of Health and Physical Education consisting of the Director, and a Wo– men's Director under whose guidance the activity program falls . Two