1947-1948 Academic Catalog

GENERAL INFORMATION 11 years of work in physical education is required for all students un– less excused on grounds of health. Intercollegiate Ath letics.-Cedarville has a varsity schedule for football, basketball, baseball, track and field, and tennis. There are also freshmen and junior varsity basketball teams. Athletic competi– tion is carried on with several of the Ohio Conference, Indiana-Ohio Conference and Kentucky Conference members, along with non– conference members. Cedarville is a member of the Indiana-Ohio Conference. Intra- Mural Athletics.-The Intra-Mural Board of Athletic Con– trol, consisting of members of the four undergraduate classes and the Women's Director, set up the various sports to be staged each year between the classes. Among these are: six-man touch football, soccer, speedball, tennis for men and women, soccer-baseball, soccer– bowling, badminton, table tennis, softball, baseball, track and field, horse shoes and volleyball. Health Service.-All students taking Health and Physical Edu– cation courses of any nature are required to take a physical examina– tion given by the College Physician. The Department of Health and Physical Education cooperates with the College Physician and physi– cal activity is limited according to the outcome of the examination. A fee of one dollar is charged to cover the cost of the examination. Religious Life Chapel.-Students and faculty participate in religious exercises in the College chapel regularly. Students are expected to attend. It is the effort of those in charge to keep these services closely related to student life. The chap_el committee includes both faculty and student members. Churches.-There are five churches in Cedarville: Methodist, United Presbyterian, and Presbyterian, Church of God, Nazarine. Students remaining in town weekends are expected to attend the church of their preference. These churches and others in the com– munity welcome college students to all of their Sunday and week day activities. A Roman Catholic Church is located in Xenia. Young Men's Christian Association.-The Young Men's Christian Association of Cedarville College represents on the local campus the social and spiritual program of this inter-national organization. Young Women's Christian Association.-The Young Women's Christian Association of Cedarville College maintains all of the characteristic activities which have made this organization such a power for good among the college girls of America. Day of Prayer.-Recognizing the value of prayer in a well-