1947-1948 Academic Catalog
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE BULLETIN Admitted as second-class matter, April 2, 1915, at the Post Office at Cedarville, Ohio, Under Act of Congress of August 24, 1912. Published by Cedarville College Volume XXX Cedarville, Ohio, April, 1947 THE PURPOSE OF CEDARVILLE COLLEGE No. 1 Cedarville College was established as a liberal arts institution with emphasis on Christian Education. In times like these when civilization is everywhere being tested and the promise of the future is precarious, Cedarville College holds to its founding principles. Now as never before the world needs men and women to think straight concerning the economic, social, and political problems that confront us. But, basically, these problems are moral and spiritual because they grow out of the needs of persons. Therefore, their solu– tions await the high ideals and the moral authority of Christianity. It is the purpose of Cedarville College to train students to think clearly and express themselves with Christian conviction about the present day problems. But the perspective for such thinking and expression must come from a wide knowledge of the philosophical, the aesthetic, the scientific, and the spiritual achievements of the P ast. ~-,~'?"l " J It is the purpose of Cedarville College so to relate the past to the present that her students may become more competent bread winners; more worthy members of family units; more useful citizens; and more devout Christians. Self - Help Opportunities Cedarville College has begun the development of an expanded student self-help program. A few years ago a 205-acre farm was acquired as a first step in this program and it is now being operated under a competent manager. Various types of work will be ex– panded on it as rapidly as possible. Other industries will be developed for both men and women as rapidly as the conditions will demand. Sufficient opportunities will be made available for all students. Thus any student who so desires will be able to earn a part of his expenses while in college. By this means we hope to encourage many students who otherwise could not come because of lack of financial ability. The academic schedule will be planned to provide suitable hours for working. Many part-time working opportunities are also available in the community. Loan and scholarship funds are available to recom– mended students. For further information regarding work opportunities, write di– rectly to President Ira D. Vayhinger, Cedarville, Ohio.
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