1947-1948 Academic Catalog

DESCRIPTION OF COURSES 33 22. Test s an d Measurements A study of intelligence test s, standardized tests, and the new type subject matter tests, with the meaning and application of statistical methods as applied to secondary teaching. Two hours, one semester. 24. Student Teaching Required for State High School Certificate. Five hours credit are given for teaching one hour a day for fifteen weeks. Five hours cred– it, one semester. 28. M ethods Methods of t eaching high school subjects are taught by the pro– fessors of the departments wherein they belong. Two hours credit, one semester . Health and Physical Education: P rofessor Beattie and Professor to be elected 1- 2. Physical Education Activity courses required of all freshmen. The activities are planned to improve the health and physical well-being of each stu– dent and include posture training, body mechanics, gymnastics and seasonal sports. Required of all Freshmen men. One credit hour per semester. 3-4. Physical Educat ion Activity courses required of all freshmen . The activities are p lanned to improve the health and physical well-being of each stu– dent and include posture training, body mechanics, gymnastics and seasonal sports . Required of all Freshmen women. One credit hour each semester. 5-6. Phys ica l Education A continuation of P hysical Education 1. Requir ed of all Sopho– mor e men and women. One credit hour each semester. 7. Personal H yg iene A study of the principles of hygien e as applied to the individual. Th ree-hour credit per week. 8-9. Physical Education Theory and Practi ce In clud ing stunts apparatus, tumbling, swimming, dancing. Two h ours cr edit each semester. Two hours per week. 10 - 11. Physica l Educati on Theory and Practice Coaching scholastic and intramural sports. Two h our s credit each semester. Two hours per week. It is suggest ed that all those planning to coach be candidates for the various t eams at the college.