1947-1948 Academic Catalog
DESCRIPTION OF COURSES 47 3-4. Discussion and Debating Group discussion of timely questions. Study of argumentation, analysis, evidence, and persuasion. Brief-drawing. Extemporaneous arguments. Practice debating. Inter-collegiate debating. Elective. Two hoo/s a week throughout the year. 11-12. Homiletics Elementary Homiletics. A study of the theory and principles of the preparation and delivery of sermons. Two hours a week through– out the year. Required for candidates of the Gospel Ministry. 13-14. Homiletics Advanced Homiletics. Practice in the preparation and delivery of sermons. One hour a week throughout the year. Required for candi– dates of the Gospel Ministry. Religion: Professor Jurkat 2. General Course in Missions The problems, possibilities, means and obligations of evangeliz– ing the world and the motives, aims, and methods of the foreign mis– sionary. Elective. Two hours a week, one semester. Not given every year. Required of Seminary students. 5-6. Religious Education A study of Pedagogy, History, Curricula, Principles, Organiza– tion, and Administration of Religious Education. Three hours throughout the year. 7 -8. Bible Theology A study of the facts of revelation in the Scriptures and the de– velopment of doctrines of the Bible·. Two hours a week throughout the year. Required of candidates for the Gospel Ministry. 9-10. Systematic Theology The study of the science of God and of relations between God and the universe. Three hours a week for three years. Required of all candidats for the Gospel Ministry. 11-12. Pastoral Theology A study of the character and conduct of ministers of the Gospel and their relations to the church in particular and general. Two hours a week throughout the .year. Required of candidates for the Minis– try of the Gospel. 13-14. Church Government A study of church law and its application to members, congrega– tions, and the larger organizations of the Church. Two hours a week, one semester. Required of all candidates for the ministry. Sociology: Professor Steele I 1, Principles of Sociology Introductory course. Make up of society considered; universal
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