1947-1948 Academic Catalog

FACULTY 5 Eloise M. Kling, A.B., M.A., Elementary Education Graduate of the School of the Brown County Ursulines; A. B., Wittenberg College, 1926; M.A., Columbia University, 1941; Teacher in Springfield and Clark County Schools, 1926-1928; Instructor in Ridgewood Private School, 1928-1930; Teacher in the Ridgewood Ex– perimental School under Wittenberg College, 1931-1935; Principal of the Ridgewood Experimental School, 1935-1937. Graduate work in Ohio State University, Summer 1937; Columbia, 1938-1941. Professor of Elementary Education, Cedarville College, 1937-. Mendell E. Beattie, A.B., Physical Education, Dean of Men A.B., Morris-Harvey College, 1926; Coaching schools Marshall College, summer 1938; Instructor and Coaching in High Schools, North Carolina and West Virginia, 1926-1931; Director of Athletics, Atlantic University, 1931-1932; Instructor in Physical Education and Freshman Basketball, Coach Morris-Harvey College, 1932-1933; Di– rector of Physical Education and Athletics, Alfred Holbrook College, 1933-1941; Director of Physical Education and Athletics,_Rio Grande College, 1941-1946; Director of Physical Education and Athletics at Cedarville College, 1946-. Carrie M. Rife, A.B., M.A., Speech, Education A.B., Cedarville College, 1904; M.A., Ohio State University, 1929; Graduate Work, Wooster Summer School, 1915; State High School Life Certificate, 1915; Teacher in Rural and Primary Schools, 1906-1913; Principal of High Schools, 1915-1946; Instructor, Cedar– ville College Summer School, 1931-1934; Professor of Speech and Education, Cedarville College, 1946-. Elwood R. Shaw, A.B., B.S., Science and Mathematics. A.B., Cedarville College 1940; B.S., Cedarville College 1941; As– sistant Instructor of Mathematics, Cedarville College, 1940-41; Teach– er in High Schools 1941-42; U. S. Army, 1942-45; Teacher in High Schools 1945-46; Professor of Mathematics and Science, Cedarville College 1946-. Mildred B. Creswell, A.B., M.B., M.M., Director of Music, Professor of Organ, Piano, Theory, Voice. A.B., Muskingum College, 1927; M.B., Muskingum College Con– servatory, 1928; M.M., Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, 1937; Grad– uate work Ohio State University, 1942; Diploma from American Con– servatory at Fontainebleau, France, 1930; Piano under I. Phillipp; Or gan under Windor and Dupre; Pressor Scholarship in Harmony