1947-1948 Academic Catalog

,6 FACULTY under Boulanger; Radio organ recitals over WOSU, 1940-1943; Piano and organ recitals, Cairo, Cincinnati, Columbus, etc., Musical lectures and travel talks, teacher pr imary and elementary grades Triadel– phia District, Wheeling, W. Va., 1926-1929; Instructor Piano, Theory, Organ American College for Girls, Cairo, Egypt, 1929-1932; Head Piano and Theory Department, Westminster College, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1933-1936; Director of Music, Cedarville College, 1936-1939; 1946-. Frederick M. Carlsen, A.B., B.D., Bible and History A .B., York College, York, Nebraska, 1941; B.D., Bonebrake The– ological Seminary, 1944; Pastor of Leesville and Biddle United Brethren Churches 1943-1945; Pastor of Garwin, Iowa, United Brethren Church; Professor of Bible and History, Cedarville Col– lege, 1946-. Olive Brill Carlsen, B.A., English. B.A., Cedarville College, 1936; Miami University, summer 1940; Bonebrake Theological Seminary , 1941-1942; Teacher of Latin and English, Huston Rural School, 1936-1940; Teacher of Latin and Eng– lish, Selma Rural School, 1940-1941; Professor of English, Cedarville College, 1946-. George A. Spotts, A.B., A.M., Botany and Zoology Diploma, Indiana State Normal School, 1906; A.B. Indiana State Teachers College, 1911; A.M., University of Michigan, 1933; Instruct– or in Botany, Hope, Indiana, 1909-1913; Graduate work, Michigan Biological Station summers of 1912, 1913, 1915; Instructor in Botany and Zoology, Olivet College, 1913-1914; Superintendent of Schools, Milford, Michigan, 1914-1921; Instructor in Biology, Senior High School, Pontiac, Michigan, 1921-1946; Professor of Botany and Zool– ogy, Cedarville College, 1946-. Milton A. Belle, B.S., Agriculture B.S. in Agriculture, Berea College, 1939; with Farm Security Agency, 1939-1943; with Soil Conservation Program, 1945-46; In– structor in Agriculture, Cedarville College, 1946-.